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why our hands shiver when we are scared ?

here is introduction to artical Shivering when you are scared is a physiological response that is part of the body's fight-or-flight reaction to stress or fear. When you perceive a threat or experience fear, your body goes through a series of automatic responses to prepare you to either confront the threat or flee from it. Shivering can be one of these responses, and it serves several purposes: here is more content on this artical Increased muscle tension: Shivering is essentially rapid muscle contractions and relaxation. This helps to increase muscle tension, making you more alert and ready for action. Increased blood flow: Shivering can increase blood flow to your muscles, which can provide more oxygen and nutrients to those muscles, helping to prepare them for physical activity. Thermoregulation: Shivering also generates heat. When you're scared or stressed, your body may perceive it as a need to generate additional warmth in case you need to take physical...

deforestation leads to reduction in rainfall and underground level .how?

This is the introduction to the article... Deforestation can indeed lead to a reduction in rainfall and a decline in underground water levels through a variety of interconnected processes. Here's how it happens: Here is some more content in the article... Interrupted Transpiration: Trees play a crucial role in the water cycle through a process called transpiration. They absorb water from the soil through their roots and release it into the atmosphere as water vapor through tiny openings in their leaves. This process not only helps to maintain humidity in the local environment but also contributes to the formation of clouds and rainfall. When trees are cut down or removed, this transpiration process is disrupted, leading to a decrease in local humidity and reduced moisture in the air. Changes in Microclimate: Forests have a cooling effect on their surroundings due to the shade they provide and the release of water vapor during transpiration. This cooling effect can c...

why magnesium ribbon is cleaned before burning ?

This is the introduction to the article... Magnesium ribbon is often cleaned before burning to remove any oxide layer or impurities that may have formed on its surface. This cleaning process is important for several reasons: here is some more content on this artical Improved Reactivity: The oxide layer that can form on the surface of magnesium ribbon acts as a barrier, inhibiting the direct contact of magnesium with oxygen during the combustion reaction. By removing this oxide layer, you expose the fresh, reactive magnesium metal underneath, which allows for a more vigorous and complete combustion when it is ignited. Consistent Results: Cleaning the magnesium ribbon ensures that you start with a consistent and known quantity of pure magnesium. This is important in experiments or reactions where precise control of reactants and products is required. Safety: Impurities or contaminants on the surface of the magnesium ribbon could potentially introduce unexpected and undes...

What Are white hole? Is It possible To Travel Through It? Are they real?

This is the introduction to the article... White holes are theoretical objects in the field of theoretical physics and general relativity, which is a fundamental theory of gravitation formulated by Albert Einstein. They are essentially the opposite of black holes. While black holes are regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from them, white holes are envisioned as regions of spacetime where nothing can enter, and matter and energy can only be emitted or "spewed out." Here is more content in the article... white holes are purely hypothetical and have not been observed or confirmed to exist in the universe. They are a consequence of the mathematics of general relativity, but there is no empirical evidence to support their existence. It is important to note that white holes are largely considered a speculative concept and are not a part of mainstream physics. They are often discussed in the context of theoretical ...

how do trees planted on the roadside reduce noise pollution?

trees planted on road sides can help reduce noise pollution through several mechanisms: Sound Absorption: Trees have leaves, branches, and trunks that can absorb sound waves. When sound waves hit these surfaces, they are partially absorbed, reducing the overall noise level. This effect is more pronounced with dense foliage and broadleaf trees. Sound Deflection: Trees can deflect sound waves upwards and away from the road, reducing the direct impact of noise on nearby homes and buildings. The branches and leaves act as barriers that can help redirect sound in different directions. Sound Masking: Trees can produce their own natural sounds, such as rustling leaves and chirping birds, which can act as "white noise" and mask the undesirable noise from traffic and other sources. This can make the overall acoustic environment more pleasant. Barrier Effect: Trees can serve as a physical barrier between the road and nearby residential or commercial areas. This barrier e...

what is dark matter ,why there is more dark matter than object in space?

aling="left" This is the introduction to the article... Dark matter is a mysterious and hypothetical form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or interact with electromagnetic radiation, including light. It is called "dark" because it doesn't give off or interact with any detectable electromagnetic radiation, making it essentially invisible to conventional telescopes and other instruments that rely on detecting light or other forms of electromagnetic waves. Here are some key characteristics and facts about dark matter: 1. **Invisible and Undetectable**: Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic forces, such as electromagnetism or the electromagnetic spectrum (which includes visible light, radio waves, X-rays, etc.). Therefore, it cannot be observed directly through electromagnetic radiation. 2. **Gravitational Effects**: The existence of dark matter is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars, galaxies, an...